780-717-8296 info@ICDPRO.ca

Health in Indigenous Communities

How to Begin Improving Health in Your Community

Health includes body, soul, and spirit.  Looking at health through this holistic lens will help you create a true health-focused program(s) in your community.


Body health affects everything – your mood, your feeling of well-being, your ability to do the things you want to do, your ability to take care of others – it touches on everything else in your life.  The basics of good body health are:

  • healthy foods
  • movement
  • fresh air
  • clean water


Your soul is a combination of your mind, will, and emotions.  All of these are affected by your body health, as well.  There are some practices to help build better soul-health:

  • time in nature
  • meditation
  • stress relieving techniques
  • learning new knowledge and skills


The spirit centres our being.  It is said, ‘we are not physical beings having a spiritual experience, rather, we are spiritual beings having a physical experience’.  Here are some techniques to help strengthen our spirit:

  • obtain healing for past traumas
  • regular communication with Creator
  • reading positive spiritual books
  • listening to positive spiritual teachers

Providing a program(s) that touch on one or more of these topics will greatly aid your community in beginning the path to holistic health.


If You Would Like our Mental Health specialist, Daniel, to Work with You, Please Contact Us Below.

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Economic growth without investment in human development is unsustainable – and unethical.

- Amartya Sen