780-717-8296 info@ICDPRO.ca

Renewable Diesel.
Nation Prosperity.

Our Vision:
Every FNMI community is fueled for prosperity.

Fuel = Prosperity

Be Part of the Path to De-Carbonation!
Offer Renewable Diesel Options
on your Territory!

Financially benefit from the transition from traditional fuels to renewable fuels!
• Preferential Pricing
• Indigenous-Owned Renewable Fuel Supply
• Indigenous Inclusion & Revenue Benefits
• Indigenous Tax Savings

85% reduction in CO2 emissions.  Higher Ignition performance.

Our Renewable Diesel offers Excellent Environmental Stewardship for Generations to Come.


Gas Station

Card lock



Cars & Trucks

How many gas stations are in your territory?
• Are you receiving an economic benefit from all of them?  
• If not, you should be, and can be!

Does your community have its own gas station?  
• Would you like to explore the benefits of having your own gas station?

How many industries are operating in your territory?
• They ALL use fuel.
• Is your community receiving any revenues from the fuel used in Industry in your territory?

• If not, you should be, and can be!

We'd Love to Hear From You!  Fill in the form below and we will respond within one business day. 

14 + 15 =

Economic growth without investment in human development is unsustainable - and unethical.

— Amartya Sen

Partners & Affiliations