780-717-8296 info@ICDPRO.ca

BC First Nations Comprehensive Database

Everything you need to know about BC First Nations’ territory, politics, and economics.  Want a sample?  Complete this form.

14 + 3 =

Thank you for your interest in and support of BC First Nations.  Your requested information will be emailed to you within 24 hours.  We allow 1 request per email.


Who Needs This Database?

What You Will Receive in the BC First Nations’ Comprehensive Database?

Do You Want to Connect, Communicate, or Collaborate with BC First Nations?

If so, you need this database.  It will save you hundreds of hours of research so you can spend your time on the work you already know how to do well.  

Not only that, but we provide a yearly update to the entire database every January, which you will have access to for a fraction of the price of the initial access to the database.

Here's is the Information You Will Receive.

If this information is available, you will receive the following for all BC First Nation Communities:

CIRNAC Profile and URL
Name Pronunciation
Name Meaning
Reserve Land Area Map and Information
Language URL
Tribal Council Affiliation
Chief Contact
Office Contact
Executive Assistant Contact
Website url
BCAFN Website url
Civic Info Website url
BC FN Info Website url
Band Manager Contact
Band Councillors
Economic Development Contact
Wikipedia Article url
Community Description

Get Instant Access to Every First Nation in BC Here


Angela is a proud member of the Tahltan Nation.  The Tahltan Nation has a reputation of being one of the most progressive and prosperous Nations in Canada due to our excellence in economic development.  Angela was a board director on the Tahtlan Central Government and currently serves in a senior leadership role at the Tahltan Nation Development Corp.

David is a descendant of the Blackfoot Nation in the US.  He is passionate about supporting Indigenous economic development and is the author of this comprehensive database.